Buy Your VIP/Patron Tickets Today!

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Support Concert on the Green by purchasing your VIP/Patron tickets today!
Consider supporting us by purchasing your tickets rain or shine!
Even if you can't attend, your purchase shows your support and is greatly appreciated!!
100% of the proceeds for all ticket sales go to support student scholarships and 
school grants for art and music enrichment and education!

$125 Concert Event VIP/Patron Tickets for Two for May 26th
or $75 for one ticket ($25.00 for one Child/Student Ticket) includes:

VIP Parking
Two VIP Stage-front Seating Area Tickets (Next to Symphony - BYO CHAIRS)
Two Dinner Tickets (Food Trucks & Food Stations)
Four Adult Beverage Beer or Wine Tickets
VIP View of Fireworks Show!
100% Tax Deductible
Our gratitude for supporting the arts!!


                 2019 Patron Packages

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